Friday, January 28, 2011

Bowlingskjorta Charlie

Catalan cream and great news

As long ago I told a very difficult time for me and my family and that is the fact that my father had felt ill and had been in a coma, now I want to update on the situation, after 5 months in hospital, My father is coming home !!!!! He still needs so much care, but it is certainly better and then there's my mother who lovingly cares for him, but there have been so scared he has made, it was really a miracle! To celebrate I made this trick .... the crema catalana, which I've always liked a lot but I've never tried it, today I decided I did and I must say that was really good, even my children appreciated We spend a lot ... the recipe? Come on .....

Ingredients: half a liter of milk

4 egg yolks 100 g sugar 25 g cornstarch

a whole lemon peel
cinnamon, brown sugar to caramelize

Put the milk on the stove with cinnamon and lemon peel, before it begins to boil, turn off and put it in a very good raffreddare.Da Whip the egg yolks with sugar. Dissolve the cornstarch in a little milk, pour the rest into a saucepan along with the egg mounted, put tutto sul fuoco a fiamma molto bassa e mescolare spesso, quando la crema inizierà ad addensarsi, aggiungete il latte con la maizena  sciolta. Continuate a cuocere  mescolando continuamente senza far bollire la crema, quando  inizierà a diventare gialla e densa sarà pronta. Metterla negli stampini, fatela raffreddare e metterli in frigo per un 3 ore circa, spolverare la superfice con lo zucchero di canna e caramellarlo o con l'apposito attrezzo o metterlo nel forno, come ho fatto io, in modalità grill, per pochi minuti, lasciando lo sportello aperto. Servire e gustare....

P.s. Per chi non l'ha ancora fatto partecipate al mio blog-compleanno, found the banner on your right!!
With this recipe I participate in the Contest Hart-to-Hart's blog Cuocicucidici

and participate in the Contest Imma go of Desserts All go in cocotte


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