Monday, August 30, 2010

How Do You Write 4 Feet 9 Inches


Oh yes ... here we were really good but home sweet home ... how much we miss you ..
The suitcases are almost ready, wake up tomorrow morning and leaving at 6!
recent days with small .. I was quiet overnight, is changed, it is as if he understood that with us at the bottom is not so bad ... so big grin very few and a few tears ... only those practices from hunger!
The only regret today is to leave this wonderful family who treated us almost like children, and especially the great Chitrupa, without whom nothing would have been possible! Will always remain in our hearts all along with this wonderful country that will always be of us because we won the most precious thing in the world .. OUR DAUGHTER!
Thank you all for being there neighbors in this adventure ... but for those who wanted to continue to write from home!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Body Opponent Bag Can You Store Outside


Here we are! Finally we managed to find time to write something .. First
volevamo ringraziare tutti per i vostri messaggi...non vediamo l'ora di già...adesso proprio abbiamo voglia di tornare a mancano tutto e tutti!!!
I primi giorni con la bimba??Beh non possiamo stiamo studiando reciprocamente..e non è proprio così facile..
Comunque siamo fortunati la bimba è fin troppo brava considerando che si trova in un ambiente nuovo circondata da persone nuove..sarebbe talmente brava da dormire tutta la notte se non fosse che la sua notte inizia tra le sette e le otto della sera e finisce alle tre-quattro del mattino ma siamo fiduciosi...con il fuso italiano se non cambia gli orari andremo alla grande.
diciamo che il grosso problema è il non poter uscire di casa ( stiamo waiting for the documents for the children) ... standing all day in here a few hours after the children become unmanageable and we do not know what to invent to distract them! This morning we went with Chitrupa to make passports for small and Cristina was so happy to be outside and see people (much to have forgotten the existence of the dummy) but as soon as we crossed the threshold of the house ... is playing the mermaid! ! have said, but here again! Parentheses
pacifier: our children were nearly five months without even knowing what a dummy .. in less than twenty-four hours for me and Julia has become a life-saving!!
woke up ... and now we have to go there .. update soon .. hopefully with the return date!!
Meanwhile, here are some pictures:

Monday, August 23, 2010

How To Pull A Bridge Pin


Sorry for the delay but it was a beautiful day but difficult ...

now we are officially parents of little Nuwanga Cristina!!

Because it is easy to say a little 'less ... we'll tell you the details tomorrow ... today grant us a day of training with our little girl!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dell Dimension 9150 Sound Blaster Treiber


THURSDAY 'August 19
hello!! Today great day for us ... there was the first ruling completed POSITIVE! Second and Final Judgement scheduled for Monday August 23 !! -4 !!!!!! WOW!!

today then it was officially formed a new family! Indeed here with us now there's the little Leonardo! Monday and waiting for Michael and I do the test with our "son "!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Futures Price Formula


Hello everyone!! Last night we went to eat pizza! we were a bit 'worried ... I wonder how the Sinhalese and pizza instead .... Very good!! look a bit' ...

Today, the little girl was a little angel ... she stayed an hour and then super laughter! Is incredible wakes up smiling already!
look here to stress!!

And now all begin to cross your fingers for tomorrow .. the first sentence and second sentence to us for our consuoceri!
we are already super anxious!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Korean Entertainment Audition


Ciao a tutti!!!ieri l'istituto era chiuso e quindi abbiamo approfittato per vedere la parte sud di questa splendida isola (parte che non avevamo visto durante il viaggio d nozze) così quando crescerà potremo descrivere alla piccola tutto il suo bellissimo paese d'origine.
Il super Chitrupa ci ha portato a Galle, bellissimo forte costruito dagli olandesi sul mare, zona di spiagge meravigliose (vedi foto) e ci ha accompagnato in una meravigliosa gita in barca sul fiume in mezzo a mangrovie, varani e simpatiche scimmiette...

Oggi finalmente siamo tornati dalla piccola....ogni volta che la vediamo è most beautiful ...
I believe that the nanny had woken up to door, so he will tell you, it was not really a great mood after a few minutes .. it has fallen into a deep sleep ... and here the two bumbling parents did the damage: the nanny when she arrived with the bottle to wake her because they thought he could drink warm milk ... but, after drinking even a quarter of a bottle, is playing a deafening siren ... poor little girl cried out loud for half an hour and then go back to sleep again like a little angel ... in the end he ate a little but I would say that since the thighs that is found not to worry and Next time it will be better to leave sleep is wrong ... learn!
still a pretty picture we managed to make him even today!

Oh I forgot! the biggest news of the day: the first sentence ok for Fabio and Julia! we are so so happy .. the second and final decision scheduled for Thursday, August 19 (day of our first sentence) ... all cross our fingers!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gay Cruisy Spots In Nj


Today trip to Negombo, a fishing town on the sea and very nice .. but especially famous for its typical local dish (Vince's face): The Lobsters!

davvero eccezionale!!!

Io e Fabio ce la siamo divorata mentre Dania e Giulia hanno avuto qualche difficoltà perchè erano UBRIACHE causa aperitivo offered by Chitrupa ... two teetotal!

The restaurant was near the sea, a bit 'too rough for swimming, but we are comforted in the swimming pool! That exhausting day !!!!!

Our thoughts, however, was the other way ....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Jamie's American Road Tripstreaming


Today for the first time we have seen his eyes fill with tears ...
but everything is explained yesterday that the vaccine and therefore bad day today ..! And how to blame her??
You do not want to eat ... you only wanted to sleep!

Meanwhile, Cristina Michael and I slept, however we were in good company .... ... a beautiful snake! What luck for us he was afraid and ran to our first move ... but we hope that today the safari (and Fabio vd blog Giulia) has ended! YESTERDAY
if it were not for Michael I think I bought the whole shop ... especially for little girl there were lots of really beautiful dresses at low prices ... to let you know: I bought it with 16 € 8 and 8 clothes pants (mutandine! !)... So I found a dress for the sentence really nice and smart ... what I had brought from home was huge (the shoulders came up to the elbows) ... in photos CIFA had given us the little seemed so much bigger!

Finally we wanted to take advantage to thank all those who read the post for your comments .. you will feel all neighbors and we are happy to share with you this wonderful experience! Thank you to all .... see you in prox ... trip to Negombo post tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baitbus Did Pay Anybody Yet

La nostra giornata

Here the days flying at the end ... we are already there for a week and we seem to have arrived yesterday ...
every day wake up at seven and a half mega breakfast with fresh fruit (fruit and coffee !!!), ITALIAN (mamy already is so good that makes the real Italian coffee ... with mocha!! And does just buono!!!), pane, burro e marmellata.
Alle otto e mezza partenza per l'istituto in mezzo al caotico traffico di Colombo...non so proprio come Chitrupa riesca a guidare...e verso le nove arriviamo dalla nostra piccolina al Convento di Wattala. E' un posto davvero carino  e tranquillo immmerso nel verde, pulito e dignitoso.A parte le zanzare e il caldo si sta davvero bene!! Dopo circa tre ore trascorse con la piccola (le ore più veloci di tutta la giornata) rientriamo a casa per il pranzo.
La mamy è molto fantasiosa in cucina passa dalla cucina cingalese alle costicine di maiale al forno (buonissime)e poi fa dei dolci eccezionali..per non parlare del pane fatto in casa!!infine caffe singalese che è davvero buono..è like coffee but we added a vanilla flavor that makes it really delicious.
After an hour of rest for four is the "Tea Time" ... like real accounts every day we take tea with a cake and biscuits different! (To MG: By the autumn there are two pretty quiet "porsei" ready: D and Mj!). Then
skype phone calls in Italy thanks to Julia and the seven fall and Fabio institution.
long chat after dinner with much laughter and Chitrupa and finally a round of cards!
For couples who are: do not worry here is really good, and Chitrupa farranno family will feel right at home!

Laundromat In East Orlando


This morning was hard to keep my eyes open (to me they had woken up to take it apart )..... when he saw the bottle ...... if we are not careful at times if you drink in one breath ....... just finished "Bibe" The result:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Have You Gotten An Erection At The Tanning Salon


Hello! today as you can see much laughter was enough to make ... boh .. . to entertain her like crazy ... it's a really happy baby (as he wrote on the shirt today ...) The Nanny
today brought the milk half an hour late and look a bit 'as Cristina has solved the problem ....
that the good leg !!!!!

and after a good meal ..... has stayed an hour and a half and we found that when sleeping ... sleeping! Nenci does not wake up with bombs!!

Last night we spent hours to see the scrapbook for couples who have adopted in all previous years ... it was really a nice evening ... and for future couples ... remember to ask Chitrupa to even show his personal album of dedications die ... laughing!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Things To Know When Applying For A Car Sales Job

Prima pappa

Finally after 3 days now ...... come back from the little sister Frida know the really friendly and smiling. When I first arrived, as the other volta Cristina comincia a sorridere sia a noi che alla suora, quest'ultima infatti ci dice che è una bimba che ride sempre.

Alle 10 in punto arriva la tata con il biberon e ci dice: dategli "a little bit".....siiii ......altro che "a little bit"..... una volta agguantato il biberon chi glielo toglieva più un batter d'occhi ha finito tutto.....pochi secondi dopo mega ruttino (poco femminile)..... e una bella dormita.Direi che come prima poppata non possiamo lamentarci.....

comunque visto l'appetito e le cosciotte (vedi foto) dovremo tenerla un pò a dieta altrimenti mi sa che il suo fidanzato troverà un'altra!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Couples Wedding Shower


day off today: morning run for me, then put into English for all four (we did not understand much but that's okay )...... good espresso lavazza in downtown Colombo. .... and visit the store "a little bit of everything" very nice ...... but the most important thing is that we Chitrupa announced the date of decision: August 19 crossed ...... all my fingers! Tomorrow
finally back from Cristina So you will benefit them for a few more photos.
bye bye

Saturday, August 7, 2010

How To Do Court Marriage In Mumbai


... today we have the luxury to rest in the pool! Chitrupa there has in fact taken to a hotel in downtown Columbus that provides access to the pool. There we spent a couple of hours to rest and talk of our children, and to see the clouds, is in fact the weather was very nice and here the sun goes down early but never mind, the afternoon was the same restaurant and relaxing.

A bit o 'shopping: Michele has taken her shoes to go running tomorrow ... gets up at six and a half ... will be true? Will let you know ... this morning I had to kick him because extinguish the alarm sounded by a quarter of an hour! Finally

"evening Sinhalese.

Dinner Chitrupa gave us a lesson di cingalese. Ecco qui qualche parola giusto, giusto per non trovarsi impreparati. Per tutte le coppie in attesa, studiatevele bene che poi quando venite qui farete un figurone.

Aiuboan = Lunga vita

Amma = Mamma

Thatha = Papà

Putha = Figlio

Dua = Figlia

Istuti = Grazie

Bohoma istuti = Mille grazie

Punchi Amma = Zia Materna

Baba = Bimbo

Achchi (pron.acci) = Nonna

Sia = Nonno

Maama = Zio (Chitrupa!!!)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Electoral College Clipart

intervista alla probation

Venerdì 6 agosto 2010.... oggi intervista alla probation:tutto è andato per il meglio.... we were concerned about the famous questions in English ..... but future expectant parents do not worry ..... the angel Chitrupa never abandon you .....

Turok Loud Love Achievement

Cristina Nuwanga

Here we are, August 5, 2010 9 am 45.-Airport-Colombo Chitrupa with the legendary Fabio and Julia are great to look forward to seeing them smile aperte.Il Chitrupa of us already feel home.

After about an hour's drive, Chitrupa there is "a very big surprise" we enter the Convent Wattala ....... there is already leading the small ..... suddenly the heat and tiredness disappear .

A smiling woman welcomes us ...... and after a few minutes it takes is a little bundle ..... much smaller than it seemed in the photos ..... is the most beautiful girl in the world.

ps note hair !!!!!!!!