Sunday, March 13, 2011

Professional2nd Hand Camcorder


After so many sweets today I present to you a great second, suitable for Sunday, when we have guests and why not, even when time is short, because you can do on the day first, because I usually do it on Saturday afternoons and Sundays because the love in this way the slices do not break, then this recipe is soft and tasty recipe ... we go to? come on ...
A whole pork linked
an onion, some celery
pint of milk, about
extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper,
mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco.


 Tritate carota, cipolla, e sedano,  in una casseruola coi bordi alti,  io uso la mia fedele casseruola della ditta Ballarini una pentola adatta a tutti gli usi in cucina perchè ha  le pareti alte e il fondo ad altissimo spessore ed è  antiaderente e con supporti in ceramica e in più è di facile pulizia. .Mettete nella pentola l'olio evo e le verdure e  fate un bel soffritto, aggiungete l'arista e  sigillate per bene su tutti i lati, girandola non appena diventa dorata. In questo so the juices will remain trapped inside the meat will remain tender and tasty.

After this, add salt, pepper and white wine to evaporate, and now you can pour the milk. Should be all over the pork.
Cook on low heat, covered for about an hour, at this point, remove the meat and let cool, then when it is very cold, cut into thin slices. The gravy, frullatelo get a sauce that is creamy and tasty accompany the meat. Enjoy your meal and Sunday, even though here in Pisa there is rain, wind and cold!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Where Can You Donate Blood For Money In Florida


Carnival Cris has turned into a small beautiful Dalmatian, but I will tell you that it was not just happy of disguise: he has smashed even a smile until we have removed the dress! Maybe he felt something strange in the head and was Petrified eliminated as the dress ... but she returned herself to all laughing and dancing like crazy at every car that passed masked with loud music! Next year maybe, but more appreciate any disguise!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Green Egg Table To Make

parfait with milk mousse cake with orange and red

Not long ago the ' Loison Company has sent me some wonderful panettone to participate in their initiative Panettone The unusual because this would the cake is very good player on our boards not only at Christmas but all year round and so I decided to do this parfait that really liked my house ....

1 Loison panettone
For the syrup:
4 blood oranges and Grand Marnier mousse with orange taste
2 blood oranges,
160 gr. icing sugar,
2 sheets of gelatin,
4 tablespoons Grand Marnier,
2 dl.
fresh cream 2 egg whites.
For the garnish:
whipped cream, orange slices

Prepare the mousse ... the grated rind of one orange and squeeze them all, add the juice made 100 gr. icing sugar and zest and mix everything in the blender. Dissolve the gelatin ammorbiditi in acqua fredda e strizzati in 2-3 cucchiai del succo di arancia scaldato, versarlo nell'altro succo e unire il Gran Marnier. Montare la panna ben fredda e separatamente gli albumi a neve con lo zucchero a velo rimasto. Incorporare delicatamente al succo di arancia prima la panna montata e poi gli albumi a neve. Mettere in frigo e far addensare.   
Premere le arance per la bagna e aggiungere il Gran marnier,tagliare il panettone a fette e  rivestire uno stampo da plum-cake con fogli di pellicola trasparente, disporre le fette di panettone spennellare con la bagna, spalmare con la mousse, continuare fino alla fine degli ingredienti.
 Mettere in frigo, io l'ho preparato il day before, so it was very hard, I had left the mousse with orange, I added the whipped cream and I used it for decoration, I added some slices of orange e.. there so we ate very, very happy! !

Getting My Teeth Polishes


Hello to all !!!!!
welcome the idea of \u200b\u200blabels (and other
to hang in any room in the house ...... I used
floral fabrics and pastel colors

to bring something fresh and spring ... (
seen that I look forward to the spring with
) ... I want to
scent of violets, daisies and primroses
that are already in our lawns.

I want to take long walks in the countryside

with a light breeze and a pale sun that warms the surrounding landscape
..... I like to see the buds on the trees which then become

flowers and then fruit .... .. I love to live an
sunny days, especially when you see up there
nine in the evening ....


Jalo A big hug.