Monday, August 16, 2010

Korean Entertainment Audition


Ciao a tutti!!!ieri l'istituto era chiuso e quindi abbiamo approfittato per vedere la parte sud di questa splendida isola (parte che non avevamo visto durante il viaggio d nozze) così quando crescerà potremo descrivere alla piccola tutto il suo bellissimo paese d'origine.
Il super Chitrupa ci ha portato a Galle, bellissimo forte costruito dagli olandesi sul mare, zona di spiagge meravigliose (vedi foto) e ci ha accompagnato in una meravigliosa gita in barca sul fiume in mezzo a mangrovie, varani e simpatiche scimmiette...

Oggi finalmente siamo tornati dalla piccola....ogni volta che la vediamo è most beautiful ...
I believe that the nanny had woken up to door, so he will tell you, it was not really a great mood after a few minutes .. it has fallen into a deep sleep ... and here the two bumbling parents did the damage: the nanny when she arrived with the bottle to wake her because they thought he could drink warm milk ... but, after drinking even a quarter of a bottle, is playing a deafening siren ... poor little girl cried out loud for half an hour and then go back to sleep again like a little angel ... in the end he ate a little but I would say that since the thighs that is found not to worry and Next time it will be better to leave sleep is wrong ... learn!
still a pretty picture we managed to make him even today!

Oh I forgot! the biggest news of the day: the first sentence ok for Fabio and Julia! we are so so happy .. the second and final decision scheduled for Thursday, August 19 (day of our first sentence) ... all cross our fingers!


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